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The allotment garden park is a green jewel, but is still under pressure

From Herman Vroklage

Allotment garden sites are green beacons of tranquillity and biodiversity in urban areas. Which more and more people are enjoying. They need to value and protect these unique places. Nevertheless, they are often under pressure due to housing development plans.

Ons Genot in Utrecht is one such allotment park whose future is uncertain. They discovered by chance that its survival is under discussion in the environmental vision of Utrecht Overvecht. Up to 8.6 hectares of garden space are at risk of disappearing due to the construction of sports fields in a new neighbourhood. The allotment gardeners of Ons Genot are fighting against this and are supported by the national interest group AVVN together with Natural Gardening.

Urgent letter

AVVN has sent an urgent letter to the Mayor and Councillors calling for the allotment garden to be recognised and valued for its green qualities, its biodiversity and its recreational and social function, and for the allotment garden to be preserved in its current location.

That would be only right. The garden park has existed since 1963, the gardens and the surrounding greenery have reached full maturity and form an oasis for native and nature-friendly plants and animals. The allotment park makes a significant contribution to urban biodiversity, to reducing the heat island effect and to water infiltration and collection.

Community gardening is a social event. If Ons Genot disappears, many people will suffer: the 200 allotment gardeners and their families, volunteers from outside the association who work in the allotment garden and, of course, the many visitors such as the lunchtime walkers from the Nieuw Overvecht industrial estate.

Ons Genot and allotment gardens belong in the neighbourhood

AVVN advocates that the beautiful nature and recreational green spaces of Ons Genot become an integral part of the new neighbourhood to be built - with all the green and recreational functions they offer.

According to the AVVN, it is a mystery why a green gem like Ons Genot, with all its benefits for the municipality and a long-term lease agreement with the municipality, is suddenly under threat. Does the municipality still have a good idea of the added value of allotment gardens? AVVN invites the board to a new introduction to allotment gardening. A visit to Ons Genot fits in with this.

More information:
Visitors are welcome at Ons Genot! You will find them at 2e Polderweg 5 in Utrecht.
Opening hours: In summer from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm & in winter on Wednesdays and
You can find more information on the Ons Genot website.

Shining example of species protection

3 March was "World Wildlife Day" (UN World Wildlife Day). This was introduced in 1973 as part of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This agreement protects endangered wild species (animals and plants).
CITES primarily protects endangered species from trade and regulates their keeping and breeding. However, the intention of protecting endangered animals and plants from extinction can also be supported on a small scale in your own garden.

Contribution of the allotment gardeners

Some wild animals seek refuge in allotment gardens because they are driven out of their traditional habitats by agriculture and building activities.
By creating diverse habitats, we as allotment garden families can protect these displaced species and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
We leave leaves and brushwood piles for hedgehogs. Native shrubs and natural hedges are important retreats and food sources for birds and should be used instead of thujas and cherry laurel. Fortunately, these and other nature-orientated recommendations are already frequently implemented.
In this article, we want to focus on a small insect that is an endangered species. Allotment gardeners can contribute to its conservation by providing a variety of habitats and by gardening in a natural way.

Shining example

Exactly! Fireflies are a rare but all the more popular guest in your own garden.
In the case of the "small fireflies" (common firefly), the flying male puts on a light show in summer. If, on the other hand, you discover a fixed light shining on the ground, this is the female of the "large firefly" trying to attract a mate.
Fireflies are not only beautiful to look at in the garden, they are also important beneficial insects. The larvae prefer to eat slugs and snails, which they kill with their venomous bites.

The example of the firefly shows how important the diversity of habitats in the garden is.
Their original habitat is forest edges, bushes, damp meadows and gardens. In the course of its perennial development, the firefly needs different habitats.
These include warm sunny and moist shady spots, shrubs for a better view when searching for a mate, as well as piles of branches and dry stone walls for shelter. A flower or herb meadow would be ideal for the fireflies. But at least in one part of the garden, you should provide a wild corner.
Females are particularly well attracted by the heat generated by piles of cuttings left lying around. However, you should never try to "relocate" fireflies from their home territory yourself.
The greatest danger to the firefly is the use of slug pellets and other synthetic pesticides. Mineral fertilisers should also be replaced with compost and organic fertilisers. Light pollution is also an ever-increasing danger for the luminous beneficial insects. The larvae become less active due to light and their successful search for mates is severely disrupted. Artificial lighting should therefore be minimised as far as possible. Necessary light sources should only shine directly onto the ground. Motion detectors can be used to reduce the duration of lighting.

Supporting natural species diversity
Even if we have limited ourselves to the firefly today, many endangered species naturally benefit from the diversity of habitats in your own garden. For example, herb snails with dry stone walls are an ideal retreat for lizard species and a sandarium is the ideal nesting place for endangered wild bees.


Not only animals but also plants are protected by the species protection agreement. In the interests of biodiversity, allotment gardeners can contribute to the continued existence of rare species through the diversity of varieties of herbs, fruit, vegetables and other plants. Swap your "treasures" with your neighbours or visit one of the rarities exchanges to achieve this diversity. In this way, species beyond the mass assortment from the DIY and garden centres are preserved and in turn provide animals with food and alternative habitats.

The UN World Wildlife Day is not just a declaration of intent by the United Nations. We allotment gardeners can support endangered wild species by gardening close to nature and providing a diverse range of habitats in our own "little green space".

We recommend the "VERSATILE GREEN SPACES" guidelines from the SYM:BIO project as support for implementation.

Words at the end of 2023

Dear allotment gardeners!

I have the great honour of addressing you for the first time in my function as Secretary General at the end of the year.
After our dear Malou Weirich stepped down in the middle of the year after more than three decades in this position, I was appointed new Secretary General by the General Assembly of the International Federation. A task that fills me with a great deal of pride, but also with a great deal of awe and respect, as the shoes I have to fill are truly big.
Nevertheless, I am very much looking forward to taking up this challenge for the benefit of the international allotment garden family.

We allotment gardeners have always played an important role in the cities, even if this has been forgotten at times. In times of war and after the war, we were the guarantors for the supply of the population and allotment plots could be found everywhere in the cities. After the great hardship of the wars had been overcome, the allotment gardens also changed and over the decades became more recreational and leisure gardens in many countries. But this form is also changing more and more.

Today our allotment gardens are so much more and cannot be pigeonholed:
They are refuges for many different species of animals and plants that would have a much harder time without allotments in the cities.
They are the green lungs of cities, and their very existence helps to reduce urban warming.
They are classrooms that bring our children closer to nature.
They are supermarkets where the best and healthiest fruit and vegetables can be grown.
They are fitness centres and life counsellors in one.
They are places of recreation for the entire urban population.
They are places where people meet.

Our allotment gardens are all this and much more and we must not forget this.

Allotment gardens provide a habitat for a large number of animals and plants because we allotment gardeners make sure that our gardens are managed in an environmentally friendly, pesticide-free and sustainable way. On the one hand, of course, for ourselves, but also for the generations after us in order to leave them an environment worth living in. It is no coincidence that the biodiversity in allotment gardens is far higher than in other publicly accessible areas of cities. We have been cultivating our allotment gardens for over 100 years and therefore have expertise in how to manage our gardens in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

By giving a variety of plants space to grow in our gardens, the allotment gardens contribute to a better climate in the cities. Especially in times of climate change and global warming, the contribution we allotment gardeners can make here is irreplaceable. This is one of the most valid arguments to prevent allotment gardens from being pushed out of the cities to the periphery. Because it is precisely in the cities, where greenery is often not so easy to find, that our allotment gardens can make their contribution against the warming of the cities.

Our allotment gardens give us the opportunity to grow our own fruit and vegetables and to pass this knowledge on to our children. Knowing exactly where the harvested produce comes from and what it has been treated with is a value that is almost priceless. Along with the harvest, we also know how to preserve this food, which is often referred to as "ancient" knowledge. But even in times of crisis, allotment garden yields can bring relief in difficult situations.
Not to mention the health benefits of allotment gardening. Exercise in itself is already healthy and doing this in the fresh air increases this value enormously. Numerous studies have shown that gardening not only has a positive effect on physical health, but also on mental health.
In the allotment garden, this effect is multiplied by the environment that the allotment garden association offers.
Because we must not forget one thing:
The allotment garden associations are part of a profoundly social movement. People meet in the association, come together to chat, exchange experiences and also to help each other. What many people lack in the anonymity of the big city can be found in allotment gardens. A neighbourhood where people take care of each other, where they help and support each other, a place to meet and live together.
We must not lose sight of this fact, even in times like these, when buzzwords such as climate change, global warming, but also price rises and inflation are spreading terror everywhere.

Co-operation is also one of the many positive aspects of the meetings of the international allotment gardeners within the framework of the International Federation. The international meetings are characterised by a positive drive to work together to advance the allotment garden movement.
As different as our allotment gardens may be in the various countries, we all work hard to make our allotment garden movement visible on a national and international level and to make its value obvious to non-allotment gardeners.
Together we can achieve so much more for our allotment garden family than alone.

In the spirit of this reflection on what we have in common, I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and all the best and health for the New Year 2024.

Sylvia Wohatschek
Secretary General, Fédération Internationale des Jardins Familiaux

Call from NGO members of the Environmental and Health Crisis Committee From the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe

Please find attached the resolution adopted by the NGOs involved in the Environmental and Health Crisis Committee of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe as a contribution to the Summit currently taking place in Dubai (UAE).

Call from NGO members of the Environmental and Health Crisis Committee
From the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe
in the run-up to COP 28
to be held in Dubai from 30 Novembre to 12 Decembre 2023

For urgent, local and systemic action

COP28 will take stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, halfway through the 2030 Agenda, at a time when global temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions are breaking records. Natural disasters caused by extreme weather events are worsening, combined with the threat of ice cap collapse and melting permafrost, releasing methane and pathogens. They increase the loss of natural resources due to reduced biodiversity, air and water pollution, and slow degradation of soil and subsoil.

Now alarmed  by the low commitment of States Parties confirmed  by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report  of 20 November 2023, which raises fears of a temperature increase of 2.5 to 2.9°C, well beyond the 1.5°C limit set by the Paris Agreement,
The NGOs that are members of the Environmental and Health Crisis Committee call for urgent local and systemic action based on 4 priorities :


1. Think globally and act locally, in a transversal way, with a strong mobilisation of civil society

Currently, cities account for 80% of the world's wealth. They will be home to nearly 70% of the population by 2050, making urbanisation a historic challenge. They are now responsible for the consumption of two-thirds of the world's energy, and 70% of annual global emissions. It is therefore in the cities and regions that the challenge is being played, and that it must be won.

The vast majority of local and regional authorities are calling for decisive action to protect people and their living environment. All are ready to play their part in containing the immediate effects of climate change in the short term, and in the medium and long term in favour of responsible development. All agree that they are the protagonists of the actions and policies undertaken and planned at the global level. The role of local government is essential because it is the layer of government closest to the people, who often have significant decision-making and spending power. All must act in conjunction with civil society.


2. Promoting systemic action and synergy between prevention and adaptation

Sustainable Development Goals 11 and 13 recommend accelerating the energy transition and reducing emissions before 2030 through an approach that "embraces nature, people, lives and livelihoods at the heart of climate action".

Our NGOs call for adoption of

regional and local risk prevention plans that develop a synergy between mitigation and adaptation, in conjunction with the population to strengthen the resilience of territories;

- a systematic component of adaptation to the most pessimistic forecasts, in development and urban plans, prevention  plans against natural, industrial and health risks, construction and housing renovation projects, safeguarding agriculture combined with the protection of biodiversity;

- a permanent focus on climate issues in education and training to build a citizen climate culture and develop the skills necessary for the climate transition.

- a portal to pilot measures, which brings together all the relevant services and operators, to make it the one-stop shop for a public and individual adaptation service;

- a statistical tool for monitoring sectors such as industry and tourism, in order to build prospective analyses, an effective adaptation, and safeguarding strategy.

3. Basing the transition on sobriety and the implementation of a circular economy

The economic and financial difficulties of most states call for the production of wealth generated  by limiting energy waste, but also by a circular economy that rejects social and environmental dumping and that mobilises the entire population.

Our NGOs call for

- greater involvement of fundamental and applied research on sobriety, systematic dissemination and popularisation of the work and good practices carried out, with the use of qualified professionals to guide the transition in a transversal way;

- choices and policies, designed with the active participation of users to support an effective circular and social economy, promoting new forms of employment and development;

- coordinated and integrated cross-cutting actions at all levels of territorial administration, bringing together the public and private sectors, policy makers and citizens.


4. Promoting a health-centered paradigm shift

Our NGOs welcome COP28's dedicated day to health and call for adopting

- coherent legal tools able of promoting resilience through joint action at all levels of governance, in all sectors of human and environmental health impacted by climate change, in accordance with the "One Health" principle,

- anticipation of the health risk based on the most pessimistic forecasts for the sick and persons with disabilities, young children and the older persons who suffer more intensely from heat waves, energy poverty and increased air pollution. Its systematic inclusion on the agenda of all the organs of the health ecosystem.

- support for the design of inclusive cities based on strengthening families to respond to health risks (cf. Venice Declaration Global Alliance)

Every moment gained is crucial. Concrete actions and agreements are needed at the global level, but they can only be effective at the local level, with the support of civil society, according to the principle of subsidiarity.

This is our call to the negotiators and the Heads of State and Government meeting in Dubai.

Committee on Environmental and Health crisis : Governance and solidarity challenges
Environmental and Health Crisis Committee: Governance and Solidarity Issues

International Volunteer Day (IVD) 5th December 2023

‘VOLUNTEERING WEEK’ UK  1st – 7th July 2023

What are these events all about? They are held every year in recognition of all the contribution that volunteers do in all areas of the community to improve people’s life, and to say a big thank you to the volunteers.

The International Volunteer Day was designated by the United Nations in 1985 as an international observance day to celebrate the power and potential of volunteering. The UK’s Volunteer Week in 2023 is in its 39th year and generally has themes e.g. awareness of volunteering, the power of youth and its influence in the voluntary sector.

People from all walks of life in the UK volunteer on all levels to improve and help communities in many different ways. This volunteering is invaluable as many would go without and life would be a lot more difficult for many others if volunteer assistance was not available.

Volunteering not only helps others but also can be beneficial to the volunteer’s wellbeing also. It is human nature to feel good after helping someone out. New skills can be learnt by the volunteers and improvements in their confidence also.

It is quoted that over 16 million people in the UK did some form of volunteering in 2020/2021 and that most people have volunteered in one form or another at some point in their lives.

In the UK also there are many small charitable organisations and groups that operate in the voluntary sector, the majority of personnel in these organisations are volunteers. There is even an organisation, The National Council of Voluntary Organisation that looks after the interests of many of these smaller groups giving guidance on their operation.

These smaller organisations however operate in many areas of the community such as care for the vulnerable, help for those struggling to cope with or unable to afford civil and legal advice. Groups that help the elderly with transport and meals and other groups helping those less fortunate than ourselves, who have fallen on hard times and are living rough.

There are many volunteers operating in even larger organisations such as the National Health Service and some larger companies operate volunteer days making community improvements as part of their community involvement.

There are groups improving our environment such as the community ‘In Bloom’ groups striving to improve the aesthetics of the local environment for the wellbeing of the community. The list is endless.

The UK’s very own National Allotment Society is mainly operated by volunteers with the vast majority of members being volunteers in one form or another. Many allotment sites in the UK are also managed, maintained, and improved by volunteers, protecting, and improving the nations allotment stock for the benefit of future generations. Not only that they are improving the environment, providing fresh locally produced food, benefitting Climate Change, improving Biodiversity, well-being of many in the community and the list goes on.

It all boils down to that instinct and desire to help others and a will to improve what we already have.

Well done to all volunteers your work is invaluable and very much appreciated.

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