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What do we offer?

We support our member societies with advice and guidance on gardening and all kinds of problems that they may meet within their association, such as economic and legal questions, negotiations, organising studies etc. We support some of these purposes financially.

To further encourage our members we give advice about cultivating, good plant material and environmental aspects of gardening.

We also support gardening projects at the Swedish University of Agriculture as well as other relevant projects and with institutions working to develop good cultivating methods and suitable plant material for allotment and leisure gardeners.

Furthermore our federation is one of the founders of the Swedish Elite Plant Station, which promotes plants suited for the Swedish climate.

During 2022 the Swedish Allotment Federation launched a petition against the pesticides called pyralids, with the aim to stop the use of pyralids in farming as residues of these herbicides contaminates and damage crops in allotment gardens and all other types of gardens.




Ringvägen 9E, SE-11823 Stockholm
Tel.: 00468/556 930 80
Fax: 00468/64 038 98

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