What do we offer?
- Rest and relaxation in the fresh air away from daily stress
- Physical activity away from the pressure of daily life
- Contact with like-minded people in the relaxing atmosphere of the family and the allotment garden away from traffic and the media
- Experience of nature and its annual cycle, a fact often overlooked by people today
Therefore we offer the following services to our members and to the community
We give advice to all plot holders on an allotment garden site on how to care for and cultivate their plots. Using lectures, film presentations and practical education in seminars, we try to give people the necessary knowledge to tend their gardens responsibly and well.
By our monthly gardening review "Gaart an Heem" as well as by a booklet published once a year and given free of charge to our members we provide them with valuable ideas and information concerning gardens, homes and their environment
Environment protection
- We protect the environment by our care and safeguarding of allotment gardens
- We propagate the ideas of ecological cultivation both in allotments and family gardens
- We promote the purchases of seeds and plants
We also undertake the following activities:
- Public relations work
- We promote our slogan "allotment and leisure gardens, green for everybody"
- We support competitions, exhibitions and seminars, in order to make people aware of the aims of the federation and the philosophy of the allotment garden movement.
- We negotiate with Government services and political bodies and support the local associations when creating new gardens and work for the legal protection of existing ones.
- We suggest laws to support the allotment and leisure garden movement, both at a national and a European level.
- We co-operate with like-minded national and international organisations for mutual support.
Special competences of the federation:
- Providing administrative competences to the sections for the management of a section
- Technical advice from our technical advisor
- Open Garden Day
- Villes et Villages fleuris